Legal status
Name : Sas
First names : Fransiscus Maria
Date of birth : 10 march 1958
Mariage state : since 1988
2 children (a son 1993 and a daughter1997)
Adress : Meerwijk 23a
9475 TC Midlaren
E-mail : Frans@SasTech.nl
Education : 1984 Technical University Delft
Msc Naval Architect
Professional affiliatoins : Member of the “ Netherlands Maritime Technology”.
Present position : 2002 Independent Consultant in Naval Architecture problems
2006 Guest Lecturer; Delft University of Technology
– Vibrations and noise
– Advanced marine vehicles propulsion
– Hydrodynamic Impact loads and Transverse Launching
Professional experience
Frans Sas graduated in Naval Architecture at Delft Technical University, Holland in 1984. He specialised in strength, fatigue and vibrations of structures.
He worked at the university as a research assistant with an assignment to investigate the effects of load sequences on fracture mechanics.
He then joined the Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, and became involved in hydrodynamics. He was involved in manoeuvring studies on simulators and the calculation of strength of structures in water.
During the year 1987 he worked as a consultant for noise and vibrations.
Between 1988 and 1994, he maintained the technical knowledge database at Damen Shipyards in the Netherlands.
As Head of the research department, he was the technical focal point of the shipyard, involved in troubleshooting, the prediction and testing of approx. 50 ships build per year.
From 1995 to 1998 he worked abroad. First he assisted a local yard in Malaysia during the construction of two 22 meter long fast aluminium patrol vessels.
After that he worked as a contract manager on the revitalisation of a 2 km long floating bridge in Guyana.
In 1998-1999 he was project manager during the construction of variouscomplicated vessels like an oil recovery vessel, a hydrographic survey vessel and a mega yacht.
From 1999 to 2002 he was project leader and head of the engineering department of De Hoop Shipyards in Lobith
Since April 2002 he is working as a consultant in SasTech, his consultancy Bureau for Naval Architecture problems, in which he combines fundamental research in new calculation methods for naval architecture with trouble shooting and consultancy (the latter pays the rent).
: The advantages of using inland waterways for transportation, SEATEC V, Indonesia, March 26-29, 1985.
: Simulation of the effective pull forces produced by tugs. Escort tugs, defining the technology, London, October 1993.
: Manoeuvring, problems and practical solutions, Delft 1994
: Views on Tug Effectiveness Tug & World Conference, Rotterdam, April 25-29, 1994.
: Conversion Fast Ferry, Schip en Werf 2006
: Tug stability A Tug Designer’s Approach to the Harmonised Class Rules Proposal Tugnology 2013
: Side ways Launching, SPL COMFLO , Schip en Werf 2006
: Various reports for Coordition Dutch Maritime Research CMO 1992-1994
: Various reports for harbour authorities (1992-…)
: Various reports for customers (2001-…)